Saturday, November 27, 2010

Be the Change. Make the Difference.

Everybody can be great.  Because anybody can serve.  You don't have to have a college degree to serve.  You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve.... You don't have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve.  You only need a heart full of grace.  A soul generated by love.  ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

In the Asian, African and Latin American countries, well over 500 million people are living in what the World Bank has called "absolute poverty". Every year 15 million children die of hunger. Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger. 1.02 billion people are undernourished. Poverty kills more than 50,000 people every day - 18 million poor people die every year from extreme poverty. More then 2.6 billion people-over 40% of the worlds population-do not have basic sanitation and more then 1 billion people still use unsafe sources of drinking water. Every minute a women some where in the world dies in pregnancy or childbirth. This adds up to 1,400 women dying each day-an estimated 529,000 each year-from pregnancy related causes. Almost half the births in developing countries take place without the help of a skilled birth attendent. One in five adults in the developing world — almost 862 million people — cannot read or write. 90 million children world wide are not in school. 9 million famlies this year have been forced to leave their home's and live as refugees due to war conflicts.

 The world we call our home is shared with people who need our help. We must take a stand and fix the problems that the world is facing. They can not do it alone. It is our responsibility to make the change. To make the difference.

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